The dog who lived on the moon
Once upon a
time there was a female dog that lived on the moon. She was a very curious and
playful dog, who liked to explore the lunar surface. She played with everything
she found, although there was not much to play with on the moon. She picked up
the rocks, threw them in the air, ran to catch them, but little else she could
The dog
that lived on the moon looked at the stars in the sky and imagined they were
the friends she didn't have on the moon. She dreamed that one day she would go
with them and if she thought so, better she did. She built a spaceship and
headed towards the blue ball she saw in the sky.
When she
arrived, she opened the door of the ship and saw a boy running towards her,
smiling. Surprised, she ran to him and barked.
– Hello,
little friend, I'm Miguel! Who are you, what's your name? – asked the boy.
– I come
from the moon – answered the dog, wagging her tail.
– Wow,
that's amazing! Then I'll call you Lua, because that means moon in my language! – decided Miguel.
– Okay, I
like it, it's a beautiful name! And what place is this? – asked Lua, always
– This is
Earth and if you want to come with me, I'll show you what's here – said Miguel.
– Oh, yes!
Let's go! – said Lua, jumping with joy.
Lua and
Miguel liked each other right away. Miguel showed Lua the trees, flowers,
animals, mountains, valleys, seas, and beaches of Earth. He introduced Lua to
his friends, parents, and siblings, who were very happy to meet a visitor from
the moon.
Lua and Miguel
had a lot of fun and became best friends. They played ball, made constructions,
told stories, and sang songs. They also learned from each other. Lua taught
Miguel about life on the moon, Miguel taught Lua about life on Earth.
But when
Miguel went to school, Lua went back to being alone, with no one to play with.
So Miguel's mother took Lua to work to be with children who lived alone and
didn't know how to play. And Lua, always playful, taught them how to play. And
they were very happy.
From then on, every day, Lua and Miguel hugged and said goodbye. Miguel went to school and Lua went to play with the children who lived alone. Until they met again at the end of the day and, together, looked at the stars in the sky.
Muito bem imaginado e escrito!